Saturday, December 28, 2019

America, Can We Survive Without Illegal Immigrants Essay

America, Can We Survive Without Illegal Immigrants? In a country founded by immigrants and open for immigrants who seek freedom, protection from persecution or violence, today we struggle to accept that illegal immigrants who strive to provide a fulfilling life for themselves and their families are turned away and often deported back to their country. The question to ask is without the illegal immigrants here in America, can our economy truly survive without them? The answer quite simply is no, solely on the issues that our economy is based off the work of illegal immigrants, there is always discussion of the long delayed legislation of the Dream Act in regarding the rights of illegal immigrants and the few rights that they have. California is one of the largest agricultural centers of the world, has many farms with different crops that feeds more than half of the United States. When it comes down to the labor on these farms, looking closely we find that the people on these farms are illegal immigrants who are picking and packing all the fruits and vegetables that are sold in the supermarkets. In a New York Times article written by Dean Murphy, back in 2004, in California alone, there is an, estimated 8 million to 10 million illegal immigrants. The supply and demand that farmers have to meet here in the United States is higher than anywhere else in the world, and without the access to skilled workers that happen to be illegal immigrants, farmers would lose out onShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigrants And The United States Essay1594 Words   |  7 PagesEvery year numerous legal and illegal immigrants originate to the United States. From all around a world, individuals want to arise toward America for an improved existence for them and their families. America is a freedom-oriented country, where everybody has right how to live their life in their own conditions. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Jane Humphries s Protective Legislation, The Capitalist...

To a large extent, the extract from the Report by Samuel S. Scriven, Esq., on the Employment of Children and Young Persons in the Collieries of a Part of the West Riding of Yorkshire; and on the State, Condition, and Treatment of such Children and Young Persons, 1842 confirms the charges of class bias contained in Jane Humphries article Protective Legislation, the Capitalist State, and Working Class Men: The Case of the 1842 Mines Regulation Act. This is shown in Humphries description of how the ruling class viewed the working class, the bias contained in the testimony and written reports by the sub-commissioners, and finally tying in Scriven’s words to Humphries’ conclusions. Under the Unit 3 Commentary, found in the Industrial Revolution Study Guide Humphries herself asserts that readers of the testimony need to read carefully and â€Å"assess the extent to which class bias may have coloured the analysis that is provided†(48), which will be employed in confirmi ng the charges of class bias. Humphries states that working class people and families were united with common interests and had to struggle for a better life. The promotion of social obligation led to the development of class consciousness. Even though the sub-commissioners were not coalminers themselves, they understood that the contributions made by working families (women and children) were made for the families’ best interest. With this said, the bourgeois observers could separate â€Å"the material foundations of

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Analysing War Poetry Essay Example For Students

Analysing War Poetry Essay Comparing and contrasting the poems we have read, show how they convey the thoughts of the poets and their reasons for writing the poems. Refer in detail to the poems, using quotations from the poems. There are five different poems to be looked at, all of varying style, and about different aspects of war, such as celebrations, mourning and reminisces. Also, they were written in different periods, i. e. The Soldier, which was written in 1914, before people were aware of how long and horrific the war was going to be. The poet, Rupert Brooke, was a soldier in the war, as were the other poets, but is writing early on so his manner tells me he almost expects not to die, and that the war will be over quickly. The way he says, If I should die, tells me that dying, in an all out war, only remains a possibility to him, but a possibility he has prepared for, quite evidently, by writing such a poem. Rupert Brooke believes, that if ever he dies on foreign soil, that soil will become English soil, and that it will be a victory because a man, born and bred in England, has, in one form or another, claimed land for his country. That there s some corner of a foreign field That is forever England. There shall be In that rich earth a richer dust concealed; A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware, He claims the land in the form of a richer dust the richer dust being his dead remains that will slowly decompose into the soil, making it English soil. Brooke is very sentimental about what his country has given him in his lifetime, and this is shown throughout the poem, but especially here: A body of England s, breathing English air, Washed by the rivers, blest by the suns of home Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given. ’ He perhaps sees that, in dying for his country, he is paying it back for all that it has given to him during the course of his life, described at the end of the poem. Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day; And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness, In hearts at peace, under an English heaven. It could also be said that he has called England her, out of affection, as sailors do for their boats. The style in which Rupert Brooke wrote is entirely different to how Wilfred Owen wrote Dulce et Decorum Est, the difference being that Brooke wrote about the good of dying for your homeland, and Owen wrote the exact opposite. Dulce et Decorum Est translates to It is sweet and noble to die for one s country, and Wilfred Owen is trying to disprove this saying by describing something saw that was so horrific, he can still see the man dying in smothering dreams that he has. In all my dreams, before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. At the beginning of the poem Owen is describing to the reader the terrible condition he and his fellow comrades are in as they are making their way back from the warzone, and does this by using similes and metaphors. Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, Drunk with fatigue; These descriptions give you the impression of troops of men trudging along, ill and war-torn in the most literal sense, struggling to keep awake, let alone be alert for enemy attacks. Onomatopoeia is used to describe the muddy conditions, sludge being used first and then trudge, as if the ground is so soft that their feet are sinking in and they cannot move well. The next stanza changes pace dramatically with a few short sentences, and also there is onomatopoeia throughout the stanza, used on every line but one to good effect. Gas! GAS! Quick, boys! An ecstasy of fumbling, Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time; But someone still was yelling out and stumbling, And flound ring like a man in fire or lime Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light, As under a green sea, I saw him drowning. The squadron of men are rushing to get their gas masks on and in the panic, one man fails to do so. The Spanish Civil War EssayThe Send-Off is about men setting off to go to war, and what may be of them when they return. The sombre mood of the poem is set in the first line with the use of the words down, close, and darkening. The fact that these men are singing on their way to war tells me that an act is being put on, and that is shown when the oxymoron grimly gay, is used. This says, indirectly, that the men are grim inside, but are acting happy for the onlookers, and perhaps even to raise their own morale. Their breasts were struck with all white with wreath and spray As men s are, dead. This stanza could be interpreted as saying the soldiers could come back just as they left except laid out in coffins, with their breasts stuck all white with wreath. The middle of the poem explains the quiet exit of the soldiers: So secretly, like wrongs hushed up, they went. They were not ours: We had never heard to which front these were sent. The exit of the soldiers appears to be almost part of a cover up for something, leaving without noise so no one would know. It might have been because they were foreign, or maybe their exit was made inconspicuous so it wouldn t be so obvious if they didn t return. Running up to the end of the poem the poet shows this by writing: Shall they return to beatings of great bells In wild train-loads? A few, a few, too few for drums and yells, May creep back, silent, to village wells, Up half known roads. There will be no celebrations, just the deafening sound of silence as soldiers are making their way back to the village, going unnoticed. As unnoticed as when they left. I think Wilfred Owen wrote this poem, like Dulce et Decorum est, to expose the fact that war isn t a place to make yourself a hero, but not in such an extreme fashion. He puts the point across by hidden messages in the poems, like, Their breasts were stuck all white. The term stuck can be used when an animal is slaughtered by having it s throat slit, and so could mean the soldiers are lambs to the slaughter if it is viewed in that sense. I believe Owen wrote Exposure as another put off from war, but not like the other two poems of his I have looked at. In this one he writes of some of the terrible conditions faced during the war, and also how they affected him. Our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds that knive us Alliteration is used here to create a cold, icy effect with the s, and the short words broken up give a twitchy effect. The poem actually makes no reference to killing, just the burying of fallen soldiers at the end. I don t think Exposure was written to shock anyone, but more to get the reader thinking. This is shown with the sentence at the end of each stanza, which either poses a rhetorical question or makes a statement that to understand you would have to have read the stanza thoroughly. This leads me to believe that Wilfred Owen was a deep thinker and obviously had some terrible experiences during the war, and by writing about them in poem form could get normal people almost understanding what he went through with expressive language. Having mentioned the sentences at the end of each stanza, I think they were his main thoughts whilst at war. For long periods, nothing probably did happen. He probably did wonder what he was doing there. He also probably thought about dying a lot.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Future of BBC

Question: Write a report on the Future of BBC. Answer: Abstract This report presents the framework regarding the Future of BBC. BBC or British Broadcasting Corporation is the broadcasting company of Britain. This report presents the framework where current director general of BBC is seeking towards restructuring the BBC. This report presents some major areas of debate regarding the future of the BBC within the media sector of world. According to the new director general, BBC needs to adopt a culture of innovation. BBC should acquire the new phase of internet technology for providing best as well as distinctive and proper content towards the people. It has been found from this report that public has demanded a free as well as independent BBC without any sort of political influence. Introduction: This report deals with the future of British Broadcasting Corporation or BBC. The BBC is the public service broadcaster of United Kingdom. It was founded in 1922 in London. BBC is operated by Royal Charter of UK. This media corporation is independent of the direct intervention of government. In every ten years, a process of review goes on that mainly considers the future activities of BBC. This review process helps to shape the future role of BBC. For this aspect, BBC should remain within its universal service. It is free from the intervention of the government of UK. However, it should be free from the politics and corruption of politics. Politics-free BBC can bring the huge range of benefits to the people of United Kingdom (Collins and Purnell 2014). In the document, British Bold, and Creative, one point of debate has been raised that BBC should be fitted to the internet. In the media show discussion entitled Future of the BBC: the Media Show Debate', five issues have been addressed by the speakers. In this discussion, the aspect of funding, directing and governing have been discussed by the speakers. In the aspect of online BBC, the fee structure of the audience should also be changed. They have debated over the funding program of BBC. For this report, the chosen topic of discussion is underlined within the aspect of the internet in BBC and license fee (Anderson and Egglestone 2012). Findings and Analysis: BBC and internet: There are massive changes in the internet technology within the whole world. At the time of its foundation, wireless technology was very limited to television and radio. However, the society has been changed. It has been seen over the many years; the society has become too much technology oriented. In the top-down society, people always should be informed, entertained and educated by the media. Every broadcaster should have the adequate responsibility to tell the audience (Van et al. 2012). However, it has been also noticed that the emergence of the internet has changed the scenario of media. The traditional broadcasting elements have been modified by the time with the advent of the internet. However, the internet has not replaced the radio and television or another traditional medium. Radio 2 of BBC has 15 m listeners in a week. There are different customers for the programs of radio BBC. However, British Broadcasting Corporation is willing to be fitted with the internet technology. However, there are many significant events or national incidents in the United Kingdom. The long-term direction of BBC is included in making the active program on an internet. However, the main motto of BBC is to become the creative partner of United Kingdom through its innovative and politics free program. BBC has started broadcasting some shows through the application of mobile phone (Strmberg 2015). The Broadcaster's Audience Research Board (Barb) has provided the initial result of the TV player report. This report has presented the statistics of viewing a program on the device of a television set. Some programs of BBC can be seen through smartphones, computers and tablets and other devices. With the enhancement of technology, BBC has also taken the help of different application of the internet ( 2016). According to the TV player report of Barb, Great British Bake Off' of BBC1 is a favorite show. It is one of the on-demand programs of BBC. This show has received 411,700 Average Program Streams (APS) across iPlayer websites and IOS application. More than 11.1 million or 39% individual people watched this show via television at the regular time of this show. However, 2.6 million people watched this show via PVR ( 2016). Doctor who' is considered as the favorite show of BBC1. 6.5 million Individual people attended this series of Doctor Show. As per the statistics of TV Player report, the show Doctor Who' has received 195,100 APS. This episode always has received 202,900 APS after one day. This show was broadcasted against the coverage of ITV regarding England vs. Wales Rugby World Cup Match. It has been noted that 5.2 million including 2 million via PVR watched Doctor Who' rather than traditional and exciting Rugby match. Every episode of this Doctor's serried got the great level of APS by every week ( 2016). However, Collins (2013) discussed that the current Director General Tony Hall is going to provide content of the organization for the next generation of the world. This person will fight for retaining the system of public funding of BBC. According to the concept of the current Director General, the content of BBC will be more open to achieving the competitive success within this age of the internet. British, Bold, and Creative: Current Director General of BBC, Tony Hall has laid his vision regarding the future of BBC in the document titled British, Bold, and Creative'. This paper provides the information relating to the upcoming reform or the future of the BBC. British Bold and Creative are considered as an effective material that gives the necessary information about the future of BBC. In this report, Director General Tony Hall has given his vision; those are as follows: Cultural and local partnership: Tony Hall has recommended that the new set of BBC will always consider the local culture of Britain. The content of BBC will be involved in making active cooperation with the local as well as a national culture of England. Britain's greatest cultural force will be evaluated through the program of BBC. Apart from this cultural bonding, BBC will also work with the local newspapers (Wintour 2015). Personalization: Tony Hall is open in the idea of platform thinking'. This means that the organization will give the chance to the audience to providing news. BBC will take the curatorial role. BBC will apply platform thinking for the online products. A new stream of BBC: BBC will introduce the new flow of news. BBC is all set to move to streaming news from rolling news. BBC will offer new the mobile-focused product of BBC new stream. This stream will deliver stories as well as videos, text and graphics to different mobile devices of people. Service of Ideas: Ideas service will provide international views on the news. The idea of this service is to bring together the history, culture, arts and science and ideas of worldwide. Many recognized institutions of Arts and culture will make the content for this ideas service. Audiences will subscribe the platforms of BBC Four, Radio 4, Radio 3, BBC Three and BBC Learning. Ideas Service will get the required benefit from the cultural and academic institutions of Britain (Anderson and Egglestone 2012). IPLAY: BBC has maintained the culture of entertainment and education among the people. BBC has continued it's strong and good track record to educate and entertain the children of this region. BBC will launch a dedicated online platform that is called IPLAY. Learning and making' is considered as the core area of IPLAY. Dedicated service of music streaming: BBC has aimed to provide 50,000 tracks of music for the people. Audiences will be able to access the music via pre-loaded playlists. They can also build the list of music on their own. They will introduce an excellent service of music which can benefit both the audiences and artists. Music product of BBC will be fully integrated with digital providers. Content aggregation: New form of BBC will explore opportunities for more original content for the audience. BBC will enhance its quality and also the level of houses as well as numbers of viewers. BBC will provide live and on-demand programs from different stations. The committee will also ensure an adequate video service for the critical mass of Britain. New Format of BBC: According to the BBC Trust, public will support the new format and structure of independent as well as universal BBC. However, BBC Trust has also found the aspect that BBC Corporation must take the distinctive approach towards its broadcasting program. BBC Trust has given the formal response to the Green paper on British Government. BBC Trust has found evidence of public support for universal, modern as well as entertaining BBC.' However, public has also demanded that BBC should be publicly funded organization. BBC Trust has published the report on behalf of the 40000 responses of people (Strmberg 2015). Therefore, the consultation describes the fact that 58% group of public has the belief that BBC should always provide important things for everyone. Two third of people think that BBC should go for the online platform to develop its service of broadcasting. It has been found that the online platform has become one of the most positive aspects of the broadcasting genre. Everyone has started taking the advantage of the online forum for enhancing the number of the customers as well as viewers. BBC should introduce an online forum for the extended level of public. Apart from this, BBC Trust has also found that 81% people have the demand that BBC should act as independent body free from politics (Gannag-Stewart 2015). According to the report of BBC Trust, BBC should introduce a new set of public purposes as well as duties and values. According to BBC Trust, the ambition of BBC can impact on the people within the society. BBC should deliver effective dealings of broadcast with more efficient manner. It should provide commitment towards the viewers of the society. According to the recommendation of BBC Trust, service license should be restructured as per the requirement of current practice. The distinctiveness of each service of BBC should be included in the new reform of the service license of BBC. The restricting of service license can become an important aspect of measuring the performance of the service of British Broadcasting Corporation. According to the BBC Trust, the distinctiveness of performance will be measured effectively with the new set of service license of BBC. According to the findings of BBC Trust, 60% people consider BBC as distinctive.' On the other hand, 73% people have the belief that the output of BBC can be regarded as high quality.' However, the primary objective of British Broadcasting Corporation is to educate, inform and entertain' people through its efficient service of broadcasting. BBC as a media organization has taken the responsibility to inform and educate as well as entertain people of the society through it's distinctive or high quality program of broadcasting. BBC is an independent or public body of programming (Over et al. 2007). In this perspective, BBC Trust has also found that only 7% people want that BBC should reduce its output in the competitive market of media and broadcasting. However, 56% people of the society have demanded more authentic as well as high quality content from different programs of British Broadcasting Corporation. BBC has extraordinary support to become more relevant broadcasters of this age. According to the chairman of BBC Trust, every person supports an independent and universal BBC. They want that BBC should broadcast the program that is at the heart of the culture of Britain (Anderson and Egglestone 2012). Conclusion and recommendation: From the above study, it can be discussed that people has the demand for more comprehensive and distinctive BBC. It has been noticed that the popularity of some shows of BBC is increasing. However, restructuring in some part is very necessary for the future development of British Broadcasting Corporation within the areas of England. It has been recommended that the company should enhance its operation through more research and development process. BBC should consider the advancement of internet technology for providing adequate services to the audiences. On the other hand, from the findings of the different report, it can be assumed that most of the people have gone against the license fee of BBC. BBC online will enhance the database of young consumers. BBC should provide more focus on the aspect of radio. BBC should take cohesive role while entertaining, educating and informing audiences. The British, bold and creative' tag should provide useful guidance for the future content of th e program of BBC. Interview Questions: Tell me what is your opinion about British Bold and Creative? Please tell us your opinion about license fees of the BBC? Do you prefer to see BBC programs via online platform? What is your opinion about more tech savvy BBC? Reference list: Anderson, P.J. and Egglestone, P., 2012. The development of effective quality measures relevant to the future practice of BBC news journalism online. Journalism, 13(7), pp.923-941. Anderson, P.J. and Egglestone, P., 2012. The development of effective quality measures relevant to the future practice of BBC news journalism online. Journalism, 13(7), pp.923-941., (2015). TV Player Report: putting players to the test. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jan. 2016]. Collins, R. and Purnell, J., 2014. The Future of the BBC. Javnost-The Public. Collins, R., 2013. Accountability, citizenship and public media. Routledge Handbook of Media Law, p.219. Cunningham, S. and Flew, T., 2015. Reconsidering Media Economics: From Orthodoxies to Heterodoxies. Media Industries, 2(1). Gannag-Stewart, H. (2015). Trust: there is extraordinary public support for BBC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jan. 2016]. Gillian Reynolds, (2015). Gillian Reynolds: Why radio is critical to the future of the BBC. [online] The Telegraph. 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